We’ve recently been participating in number of networking events across Brisbane over the last few weeks and we’ve had discussions with a number of business and marketing teams that want SEO tips that they can execute.  This post is inspired by those discussions and we’ve come up with a number of tips that you can implement for your website to improve your visibility.

Here our SEO tips for Marketing Teams and Businesses

Content Creation that Solves a problem

During keyword research it is very tempting to focus on those keywords that have large search volumes and who would not like a piece of that large search volume.  Before executing your time in developing content around these keywords, ask yourself the following questions – How long will it take my business to rank in the position to take a percentage of that search volume? and Does that keyword have the intent that your business is after to convert users into sales or leads?  If the answers to those questions are it could take me a year of hard to rank well in the top positions and I am not confident that the keyword will generate conversions.

The better option is to focus on keywords that have the intent to drive conversions for your business.  That you have a realistic chance of ranking in the positions in a shorter amount of time that gives your business the visibility in the search results.

Don’t be afraid to develop a content strategy around keywords that have a low search volume and have user intent to drive conversions for your business.

Link Building / Disavowing links

Link building is one of the most time consuming activities when it comes to SEO. You can spend hours doing your research and speaking to number of relevant websites and the end result leaves you questioning whether you should continue with the link building activity. We think when it comes to link building it best to write content on quotes from industry leaders, if it is relevant to your business.

By undertaking this activity you can reach out these people and ask them to share this content to their followers in the chance of developing potential links (whether followed or not followed).  A relevant no follow link still carries weight as you can additional traffic for your website that could end up in with new business.

On the flip side instead of building links we do hear that a number of businesses spent time disavowing links, thinking that this activity will increase visibility.  Instead of disavow links you should monitor your link profile in the Google Webmaster Console.

If you do not see an unexpected link growth then do not spend time in disavowing links as Google has mentioned that they can devalue certain types of links.  In the rare chance you do see a massive unexpected increase in links then start further investigations for disavowing links.

Tracking Your Efforts and Results

It is a common story with medium and small business that there are gaps in their tracking of results.  To understanding what you should be tracking as part of your conversion process is identify your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) once you have identified the KPIs you need to review whether they are being properly tracked that will allow you to make informative decisions to improve your sales funnel.

If there are areas in your business where the tracking is not as good as it should be you need to review whether you should hire a developer to come up with a customised solution or if can you use the standard Google Analytics conversion tracking.  There is no excuses not to have proper tracking in place as it will help identify deficiencies in the conversion process.  With online business it is much easier to identify areas that are working efficiently and what needs to be improved.

We realise that the last two tips are not so much SEO tips but do play an indirect part in SEO.

Securing a Government Grant For Additional funding

When starting your business capital is everything.  Gurus like Gary Vee recommend not to spend your profits on stupid shit but to reinvest it back into your business.  If you are wanting that injection of extra cash there no need to go on shows like shark tank. Instead keep an eye out for government grants.  In Australia, it worth visiting the Australian Government website and identify grants that you can take advantage of for your business.  Government grants do come with strict requirements, so make sure you can fore fill these requirements before applying.  You can use these grants on your marketing activities.

Outsource Work

At the end of the day we all like to do work in our wheel house. We should be working towards our strengths as we will get the most rewards.  Areas of your business that you just hate or do not have strong knowledge, you should be looking to outsource.  Outsourcing can be a one time deal or on contract basis, it all depends on your needs as a business. There are many facets to SEO and to cover all the activities when you are busy team can be overwhelming. Do you what you can and outsource the SEO activities that you just don’t enjoy.